2D Animation

2D animation development process at Ideor Animation is carried out in 6 different steps. An animation video sprouts from a concept development and script. Then the second step or process involves the creation/development of the script. After the script development, there is voice recording followed by the visual development. And the final stage includes the production and post-production.

For the creation of excellent 2D animations, our artists incorporate software programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, and Adobe after Effects, Adobe Illustrator.

2D animation focuses on creating characters, storyboards, and backgrounds in a two-dimensional environment and creates movements in a two-dimensional artistic space. 2D animation videos have become an inevitable part of our present fast moving world. It is a form of art in the era of social media and online media. The benefits of 2D animation are innumerable. From playing a key role in the growth of small businesses, to boosting your social media traffic and educational purposes.